How did you enjoy your time learning with Skills for Change?
I am an International Medical Graduate. I was fortunate to get an opportunity to
join the Health Informatics Bridging Program conducted by Skills for Change in
collaboration with George Brown College.
This 8-week program was very organized and well planned. The topics of
presentations were well chosen, relevant and very informative. It gave me an
overall understanding of Health Informatics and its domains and an insight into
Canadian Culture, Canadian Job market. The course helped me develop a
professional networking platform, enhance my soft skills as well as identify the
transferrable skills I possess and prepared me to choose a second career path for
I thoroughly enjoyed being part of the cohort of 22 professionals from different
parts of the world with diverse backgrounds. It was a wonderful experience
interacting with the team virtually and working in small groups for the
assignments given, which stimulated and motivated all of us further.
What was the best part about the Health Informatics program? (HI, Employment or Guest speaker’s topics)
Each part of the program added value to my existing knowledge. Learning about
Data analysis was exciting; developing a Use Case with group work and
the Peecha Kucha presentation was an interesting exercise too. The
program facilitators made the journey even more inspiring and their
constructive feedback on each individual’s performance was very encouraging.
What were some of the challenges you faced during the program?
Initially it seemed that going through the entire course virtually would be a
challenge and not as effective as the traditional way of learning with classroom
discussion. However, the use of Blackboard, Slack and Zoom were very effective
ways of conducting the sessions and the running of technology was made
flawless by the organizers who were always there to troubleshoot any deviation
from the norm. Superb!
Do you have any advice for anyone wanting to get into Health Informatics?
It is an ideal program for someone interested in IT-based innovation in Health
care and wants to explore further and select a career path in one of the domains
of Health Informatics.