Humans of Skills for Change: Ruth Mengistu
1. Tell us a bit about yourself
My name is Hiba Hamed, I have a Honours bachelor’s in arts and Science, with a master’s in social work. I work with numerous and diverse populations such as visible minorities, disabled, indigenous, newcomers, seniors, youth, women, children, and much more. I work in the Mental Health and Wellness department and am willing to bridge the gaps in the system and within the community.
2. How did you get involved with Skills for Change?
I got in touch with Skills for Change when I saw workshops available and within my field, I was interested and connected with a staff member
3. Is there a particular moment or memory that stands out to you?
I would say the diversity in Canada with the food, the people, the culture is such a blessing to have
4. What are you most proud of in life?
Proud to be skillful as a multilingual (English, French, and Arabic), and always have the drive to grow and network with like minded individuals.
5. What inspires you?
I look for role models who would inspire me and help me create a vision board of my goals and ambitions (e.g., Inspiring quotes, Pinterest, Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King, Jay Shetty, Malala, Gandhi, and many more influential figures and aesthetics).
6. What’s the best advice you’ve received in life?
Everything is temporary in life. There are things you can control and things you are not able to control. The grass is greener where you water it. Also, there is no one size fits all, everyone is unique.
7. Can you tell us something interesting about yourself that not many people know of?
I am creative (with food, art and crafts, and thinking), I love to fundraise for a good cause, and I would say I am always willing to learn and be curious.
8. Is there anything else you would like to share with us?
Always stay positive even when things are tough and negative around you. Things will get better with time!
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