Why do people seek support?
Everyone can benefit from discussing their thoughts with a nonjudgmental professional.
Counselling can have a huge impact on your wellness and wellbeing. By talking about your emotions and stressors with a counsellor it’s likely you will feel less alone with your day-to-day routines and relationships. A trained professional will also be able to equip you with the tools you need to face your daily challenges and stressors in the long term.
Not everyone who speaks with a counsellor has faced trauma or even has high levels of stress/anxiety/depression. Sometimes individuals will choose to seek counselling for the purposes of self-discovery or to acquire preventative techniques they can apply to emotional concerns before they worsen.
Personal counselling for all individual adults include crisis counselling, trauma counselling, personal counselling for reducing stress and anxiety, improving wellness, improving self-confidence, personal support services for empowerment.
May 15, 2019; Wednesday (10 a.m. – 12 p.m): Wellness for Employment (session 3)
This is the third session of a series of workshops that are meant to help individuals improve their well-being. The participants will learn about healthy ways to reduce their stress, improve their self-confidence, and gain a new perspective regarding employment. We discuss strategies to improve their skills and strengths. All individuals are welcome in this session.
May 22, 2019; Wednesday (10 a.m. – 12 p.m): Wellness for Employment (session 4)
This is the fourth session of a series of workshops that are meant to help individuals improve their well-being. The participants will learn about healthy ways to reduce their stress, improve their self-confidence, and gain a new perspective regarding employment. We discuss strategies to improve their skills and strengths. All individuals are welcome in this session.