Talent Needs Exchange

Skills for Change welcomes submissions of research articles, blogs, opinion pieces and short videos to the Talent Needs Exchange at any time. 

SfC’s Talent Needs Exchange is a community platform where immigrants, refugees, newcomers, workforce / talent development practitioners and allied professions and stakeholders can make submissions on the unique issues they face which they believe a more innovative and resourced settlement and employment support services can fix.

The goals of this platform are to:

  • Provide employers, jobseekers and career enhancers with access to Continuous Professional Learning (CPL) opportunities via a respectful forum to discuss diverse and inclusive workforce development planning issues across Ontario, and

  • Provide a platform for communication across Ontario’s talent and skills innovation ecosystem.

  • An overarching objective is to feature many short posts and videos so that employers, policy makers and program managers are aware of the depth and breadth of issues to inform diverse and inclusive workforce development planning.

Any Questions?



Labour Market Analysis Team

Email: research@skillsforchange.org 

Community Needs Assessment Reports

Coming Soon

Let's e-Connect !!!