Request for Proposals: Curriculum Development/Training

Background, Purpose and Desired Outcome


Skills for Change (SfC) provides learning and training opportunities for newcomers and refugees to access the labour market and launch new businesses while fully participating in the wider community. Our vision is for a Canada where every immigrant succeeds. Over the course of its 37 years, SfC has had significant success assisting newcomers in meeting their goals. In the last year alone, we’ve offered over 30 different programs and have had participation from over 14,000 different individuals across the Greater Toronto Area and Southern Ontario.

SfC has developed a cohesive approach to enhancing and expanding programs and services to meet the critical and emerging needs of our current client base – with emphasis on increasing services to youth, women and seniors. Our success in developing innovative programs and services such sector specific employment training programs, mentoring, entrepreneurship, diversity and inclusion initiatives as well as English language instruction, integrated language/skills training, including French and English language assessment is evidenced by our numerous awards and recognition.


Employment Ontario (EO) Employment Services is an individualized, flexible service that you can customize to fit a client’s specific needs to compete in today’s workforce, if they need help finding a job, putting together a resume, improving their interview techniques, or upgrading their skills, EO Employment Services is here to help them. EO Employment Services is a one-stop shop for all the help clients’ need to find the job they are looking for.

In 2019 the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development (MLTSD) announced the restructuring and dispositioning of the Employment Ontario Employment Services program. This transformation requires a new skills set conducive to a retention strategies for clients to retain employment. SfC EO Employment Services wants to ensure that all a staff have the tools and strategies needed to transition into the new model.


Skills for Change is seeking submissions from consultants/contractors to develop skill base training to include training manual, training outline, staff guide, and facilitators guide. The successful contractor will train SFC (EO Employment Services) staff for train the trainer.

The objective of this project is to help staff develop an understanding of the job retentions strategies required for clients and how to deliver and facilitate these strategies to their clients. This will be done through the developing and implementing training and curriculum that can be tailored to multiple target audiences to ensure all SfC employees are appropriately trained, and possess the skills and capability to perform their work assignment at Skills for Change. Additionally, this will provide opportunity for career management and growth

The successful candidate will be expected to work closely with the Senior Management team and members of the EO Employment Services to refine content and training tools as well as develop additional curriculum components to address any gaps that may exist.


The final curriculum product will serve as a user-friendly tool for upskilling current staff and onboarding new staff working in SFC Employment programs. The product will be a combination of in-class and online resources and learning tools, and will include a syllabus, instructional strategies, and learner assessment strategies to equip future facilitators/instructors with all the needed materials to deliver the training. In addition, each component should be able to stand alone for inclusion in other courses and/or for use in both formal and/or informal teaching situations.

Curriculum content must include:

  • 2 weeks of training (10 days). In class sessions are 2 hours of curriculum in a 3 hour period (including breaks, discussions, and independent work time). Online sessions are a maximum of 1 hour of curriculum that is interactive and should include audio/videos and quizzes.
  • Interpersonal/”human” skills required for today’s Canadian/Ontario Labour Market (i.e. negotiation, leadership, teamwork, stress management, etc.)
  • Embracing the principles of diversity, cross-cultural dynamics and multiculturalism in the workplace
  • Identifying issues, problem solving, applying conflict resolution principles
  • Recognizing the importance of time management and organizational skills
  • Understanding policies and procedures
  • Recognizing and responding to unsafe scenarios and forms of harassment
  • Personal integrity and ethical practices
  • Maintaining personal and professional boundaries
  • Using effective practices and appropriate communication channels
  • Employment Standards Act (ESA) Human Resources information and links to government labour code information
  • Career management tools (i.e. understanding personal performance management, building your career, importance of continuous learning, informal and formal mentorship, etc.)
  1. Award Information

2.1. Total Project Allocation and Number of Awards

Contract must include detailed outline of the quotes for each of the components: curriculum development and design, training materials/tools and resources for clients, training for staff including train the trainer, and staff/facilitator guides and manuals.

2.2. Timeframe for Completion of Project

Project Start Date: Immediately

  1. Project Specifications

3.1. Curriculum Design Format, Approach, and Related Tools

Applicants will propose a curriculum plan for delivery in a traditional in-class format and online components for the training content.

3.1.1. Project Staffing and the CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT TEAM

The successful applicant will work in concert with SfC Employment Ontario Management Team on the final product.

3.1.2. Expected Product

The successful candidate is required to deliver a final product applicable to delivering a curriculum by the end of the contract period. The curriculum must include:

  • curriculum syllabus with course objectives, learning objectives, and competencies to be acquired by the learner;
  • materials for in class and homework;
  • quizzes/methods of tracking learning and completion of curriculum content;
  • a calendar of suggested off site events for participants to attend;
  • Educator’s guide with instructional strategies, and learner assessment strategies.

Traditional in-class curriculum: the successful candidate is required to provide a hard copy package or binder as well as electronic copies of all documents. Online/distance-based curriculum: the candidate is required to provide equivalent documentation of each course’s design (syllabus, objectives, etc. as described above for traditional courses) as well as develop relevant online multimedia strategies for effectively delivering the content. Such strategies might include: downloadable course materials, Web links, bulletin boards or chat rooms, podcasts, streaming video, online PowerPoint with audio, etc.


As the successful candidate you will demonstrate:

  • Experience in curriculum development and facilitation experience with a focus on adult learning
  • Strong editing, writing, organizational, and communication skills.
  • A clear understanding of diversity, equity, cultural competence, and anti-oppression principles and practice;
  • Experience and comfort working with network organizations and/or collaborations;
  • Effectiveness in adult education and working with newcomers;
  • An understanding of the non-profit sector; and organizations in related lines of work
  • Familiarity with the developing customize training programs.

SFC is under no obligation under any circumstances, to accept or respond to any proposal or, to negotiate with any proponent. SfC is not bound to accept the lowest priced or any proposal based on any method of evaluation, nor to negotiate with the proponent who submitted the same. SfC will not be obligated in any manner to any proponent whatsoever unless and until a written contract has been duly executed with a proponent in relation to a qualifying proposal.


Along with your proposal, please provide a cover letter, portfolio, 3 recent references based on related initiatives, and a sample of a completed curriculum project no later than: March 11, 2020. Also include clear timelines and deadline for completion.

*All submissions must be in electronic form; either PDF or Word format, and sent to with the subject line:  Proposal: Curriculum Developer Consultant


For additional Information, please contact:
