Skills for Change’s Minding Your Mental Health Women & Girls Symposium aims to raise awareness and break the stigma around mental health, and explore ways for girls and women of different backgrounds to reclaim power of their minds and bodies.

There will be a focus on gender-based violence (GBV) & we will talk about identifying signs and developing prevention strategies for women with intersectional identities. Topics include:

  • Combating the Stigma of Mental Health
  • Mental Health in Indigenous Communities
  • Elder Abuse & Prevention Strategies
  • Sexual Assault & the Law of Consent
  • Internationally Trafficked Persons: Challenges & Possible Prevention & Solutions
  • Safe and Healthy Relationships

The outline/schedule of the symposium will be shared with the registrants prior to the event.


Fataneh Naghavi

Supervisor, Mental Health and Counselling Services

Skills for Change


Titilola Elizabeth Omotosho

Clinical Counsellor,

Mental Health Services

Skills for Change

Jocelyn Kagige

Community Wellness Worker

Native Women’s Resource Centre of Toronto

Jovana Blagovcanin

Anti-Human Trafficking Coordinator

FCJ Refugee Centre

Sheila Schuehlein

Provincial Prevention Consultant

Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario

Farishta Murzban Dinshaw

Community Engagement & Knowledge Mobilization Lead

COSTI Immigrant Services

Widaad Aamir

Crisis Counsellor

Polycultural Immigrant and Community Services