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Skills for Change Employment Ontario program offers a range of employment services, providing resources and supports that respond to both the career and employment needs of individuals and the skilled labour need of employers. Services include:

  • Information & Referral: for training opportunities such as Second Career, Apprenticeship, GED, Literacy and Basic Skills, Bridge Training programs and other Government services. Client Service Planning and Coordination: individual needs assessments, assistance with referrals, access to education, training or other community services
  • Job Search: Support for a successful job search including career exploration, job search tools, professional communication, Canadian workplace culture, group workshops, one-on-one counselling, coaching and individual employment support
  • Job Matching, Placement and Incentives: Matching of skills with employment opportunities. Placement into employment and or on-the-job training, job test and hire, work experience and community volunteer placements. Financial incentives for employers to provide on-the-job training, apprenticeship, work experience opportunities and trial placements
  • Mentoring: Discover the value of a mentor in your profession. Gain insights into the Canadian work environment and get help in building a network of professional contacts in your field. Click on our Mentoring page to learn more about the program.

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                An Active Listing of All Job Opportunities our Employment Ontario Team is Working to Fill [jbbrd_vacancy]

Submit your Application [jbbrd_registration]