Invest in your employees to grow your business today!
Canada-Ontario Job Grant

The Canada-Ontario Job Grant (COJG) provides employers with financial support to deliver training to existing and new employees.

The COJG grant from the Government of Ontario supports workforce development and encourages greater employer involvement in training through cost-sharing arrangements to train new and existing employees.

The grant also provides individuals with the skills necessary to maintain employment and advance in their careers.

The cost of the training is a shared investment between employers and the government. Up to $10,000 grant is available per person.

Employers choose the employees they would like to have trained, and the training that meets their workforce development needs.

Skills for Change is accepting applications on a rolling basis. All applications will be assessed and need to be approved prior to the start of training.

Contact us now to learn more. Call us at 416-658-3101 or email us at


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Placement Services

At Skills for Change, placement services are at the core of what we do. People come to us to get great jobs with top employers, where they can apply their skills, experience and knowledge. Connect with our employer engagement team to discuss your recruitment needs and access a large, diverse pool of qualified candidates at no cost to you.

Not sure if a person has the relevant skills and will be the best fit for a position in your organization? Perhaps you are setting up a new position, or you want to make a shift in the corporate culture. The test and hire initiative, offered through our Employment Ontario program and funded by the Government of Ontario, provides you and your candidate with the opportunity to take the job on a road test before making a commitment. The “road test” is approximately two to three weeks in duration and we pay a wage to the employee for the duration of the test. Coordinated by our Employment Consultants, this program is an excellent opportunity for you to recruit the right candidates for your organization and also to address any training gaps in a timely manner.

We have educated and skilled candidates who are seeking eight-week paid internships with your company. Internships are a great way to fill demanding positions with high-performing people, with no obligation to hire at the end of the internship. Skills for Change Employer Engagement team can match you with an intern, and will monitor and support internships throughout the eight-weeks.

Unpaid work experience placement

Are you willing to provide on-the-job work experience to a candidate who is ready and motivated to work, but lacks direct experience? If yes, then you can recruit a person for up to 8 to 12 weeks at no cost and with no obligation to hire at the end of the placement. A Skills for Change help find a paid or unpaid placement based on your business’s need.

Employment and training incentives

As an employer, we can help you access financial incentives offered by the Government of Ontario, to offset some of the costs of on-the-job training for new employees. The amount of incentive varies depending on the complexity of the job, the skill level required, the length of the training, and the skills and experience that the employee brings. As part of the training, the employee will be on your payroll, and you are obliged to pay CPP and EI benefits.

Contact Employer Engagement to learn more about this excellent opportunity to hire promising candidates and build capacity within your organization in a most cost effective manner.

When Skills for Change pioneered a settlement mentoring program in 1993, it was the first of its kind in Ontario. After 20 years, we are strong believers in the power of mentoring, and we offer mentoring opportunities to established professionals and connect them with mentees in their related field.

Our experience has shown that occupational mentoring supports employee retention and often supports employee career advancement. You can improve employee retention and advancement by supporting your employee to establish a mentoring relationship with a mentee.

The mentoring relationship is supported through our Mentoring Partnership with TRIEC as well as through our Mentoring for Change program.

We also recruit mentors on an ongoing basis, so if your company has an employer-sponsored volunteering program, we can offer your employees a meaningful volunteer experience a mentor.

Contact Mentoring for Change

416-658-3101 x206

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