The Skills for Change staff is currently working remotely and serving our clients virtually. We will continue to serve our community — via phone and email during our normal business hours. Below we have compiled a list of helpful online resources related to working from home and for your job search. Check out our employment programs for upcoming virtual workshops and events, as well as for one-on-one online coaching and career sessions.

Employment Ontario Stockyards
Tel: 416-572-0490
Fax: 416-572-0468
Employment Ontario Flemingdon
Tel: 416-645-2489
Fax: 416-645-2497
Interview & Follow-up Tips
Resume Writing
Job Bank: How to write a good resume
Interview Skills
7 Interview Tips that will get you hired
Interview Tips by Linda Reyniar: Entire playlist is good
Top 10 Job Interview Etiquette Tips
Improving your Communication Skills
Follow-up Tips After the interview